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Resources: About Us
Wild Path

Teach your students how to weather life's storms

As parents, we play a very important role in helping our children develop the skills they need to navigate life’s uncertainties and have happy, successful lives. Unfortunately, parenting is also one of the busiest jobs and leaves very little room for learning what these skills are and how to teach them.

The Umbrella Project is dedicated to helping you and your children learn these skills of emotional wellbeing in a fun, easy to implement way and helping you thrive in all of life’s weather.

Big Brother

Non-Violent Communication

Christine King, MA has a passion for personal and planetary transformation. She supports groups, and individuals in deepening their communication, compassion, and empathy skills.

A Tower of Stones

Earth Schooling

Earthschooling is a secular Waldorf curriculum that is a complete but flexible educational curriculum based on learning from nature, real-life experience, natural rhythms, hands-on activities, storytelling, painting and handwork with natural fibers. Earthschooling uses the Waldorf curriculum as a framework.

Resources: Events

Inquiry Tools

Through a formal inquiry process, learners develop interdisciplinary pathways that lead to projects and other learning activities to take them through a curriculum all their own, while also meeting BC graduation requirements. Here are some tools to try at home:

Yellow Water Lily

Waldorf Inspirations

Within the website you will find many teaching gems and ideas

Decorating easter Eggs

christopherus homeschool

Sometimes one just needs a bit of support with the challenges of homeschooling.

Resources: Events

Mathematical Mindset

Our main goal is to inspire, educate and empower teachers of mathematics, transforming the latest research on math into accessible and practical forms. We know from research how to teach math well and how to bring about high levels of student engagement

Antique Books

Age appropriate Reading Lists

These reading lists are created each year with specific groups of children and their Class Teacher's plans in mind. SFWS is happy to share the reading lists outside the school, but appreciates SFWS and the grade school library being acknowledged when they are shared.

Children Playing

Movement for Childhood

A childhood rich in varied play and movement strengthens the developmental foundations.

Frozen Branch

First Peoples Principles in Learning

This website is created to help educators in British Columbia understand how they might incorporate the First Peoples Principles of Learning (FPPL)

Natural Herbs

You and your child's health a library of health information about raising children and creating a healthier family life. This Living Book also contains personal stories about the joys and triumphs, as well as the struggles and challenges, we face as parents. It is made freely available as a public service.

Resources: Events

Learning Outside

“As human beings we need direct natural experiences; we require fully activated senses in order to feel fully alive.”

Richard Louv

Dandelion Meadow
Resources: Welcome
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